Monday, June 11, 2007

i think it's time for each of us to introduce ourselves...

Name: Grace aka "yin yan"

Age: 24

Job: 3rd year grad student, she can almost read your mind! but has 2 more years to go!

Current Activities: Being a SLAVE to my master's thesis; praying desperately that her summer class will run so she'll have some income; preparing for her practicum externship next year at Children's Specialized Hospital

How'd she heard about this trip? "I always feel called to Africa for a missions trip. Through prayers I felt that this summer was the summer to go. I went on a STM search engine online and found this ministry opportunity. Got in touch with Sherry who runs the ministry and now here we are!!! :-)"

Why'd she wanna go on this trip? "I am seriously considering a future in full time ministry. I am going not because I feel called and I find it to be a joy to do compassion-oriented service, but rather because I am trying to narrow down the precise field where God may want to place me in the future, whether that is serving abroad or in a local church."

What are she most excited about this trip? Meeting the children! Hopefully expanding their hearts toward Christ while they expand mine toward other people

What does she dread the most about this trip? the FLIGHT to and from Uganda!! AHH!!

Random facts: LOVES green tea ice cream and spending time with Carmen (her cat!)

Personal Shoutouts: Thanks to YOU (yes, you) who are taking the time to read this and praying for us! :-)


Name: Eric aka "Erica" or "the man"

Age: 18

Job: Rutgers Biomedical Engineering and Pre-med student (class of 2010) , Enhanced classroom support tech @ RU

Current Activity: last minute preparation

How'd he hear about this trip? heard from grace

Why'd he want to go on this trip? wants to help children. "I want to make a difference in people's lives and I want others to realize that there are dire problems outside of our borders that need our attention."

What is he most excited for this trip? meeting new people

What does he dread the most? the drugs we have to take

Randomness: "Please pray for me as I am the youngest and the only guy going with 4 girls from my church!"


Name: Anita, aka "siewyunyun"

Age: 24

Job: Physician Assistant Student at Seton Hall University

Current Activity: being delirious from running around the hospital, it's her last week! studying for her last final of the year!

How'd she hear about this trip? heard from joanna

Why'd she want to go on this trip? "cuz...GOD is awesome!" seriously... she has a burning passion for those who are in need and wants to answer God's call for her life.

What is she most excited about this trip? the children...! being in a completely different environment...seeing AFRICA! sticking out like a sore thumb!

What does she dread the most about this trip? bugs, scary bugs and animals. she doesn't like bugs.

Randomness: absolutely LOVES strawberries. "strawberries are the bomb...woo! strawberries + chocolate = bomb +1!!!"


Name: Joanna, aka "Jomama"

Age: 25

Job: professional drug dealer @ memorial sloan-kettering cancer center. haha. i'm a pharmacist

Current Activities: working working or playing around with this blog, reading the books that she got from Na, organizing and preppping for the trip!

How'd she hear about this trip? heard from grace!!! through a random conversation after church one day.

Why'd she wanna go on this trip? She has always wanted to use her profession as a way to minister to people and furthering God's kingdom. So she wants to use this opportunity to see what God's calling for her is. Plus she has always wanted to do a STM in Africa :-)

What is she most excited about this trip? meeting different people! seeing God in ways that she'll never imagine! maybe learning some african dancing. hahah

What does she dread most about the trip? bug bites. "i don't like itchiness"

Randomness: "i have a loud voice. i wonder how far would my voice carry out in the safari?? um??"


Name: Diana, aka "annadi"

Age: 22

Job: Dietetic Intern (done on thursday, 6.14.07!!)

Current Activity: interning 'til thursday, then recharge/catch up on sleep and preparing for the trip!

How'd she hear about this trip? JOMAMA

Why'd she want to go on this trip? "I've always wanted to see how I can incorporate my passion for nutrition into ministry and serving God and building up His kingdom. He has shown me once again, how awesome and powerful and BIG our awesome Lord is!!! I'm hoping by doing on this trip, it'll enable me to get a greater grasp and vision if this is the direction that God may be opening up for me. "

What are she most excited about this trip? the KIDS!! She has always loved being around kids and seeing them led to Christ. Also super duper excited about meeting the rest of the team as well, they are from all around the country who are being called to serve God in Uganda. How awesome is that?!?

What do you dread the most? AHHHH! BUGS!!! MOSQUITO BITES! (wait, there are mosquitoes in Uganda right? hahahha --> this is a seriously question)... and no crazy side effects from the drugs

Randomness: "I tend to say a lot of random things. hahaha. and a lot of my comments can be seen as outright hilarious, although I truly am serious about them when I ask them! really I am!!!!"

Shoutouts: "Thanks for all your prayers and support!!! We wouldn't be able to go without all you guys!!!!"


unknownbreaker said...

goodness gracious!

ultimateringer said...

haha... i love the randomness part! right on the mark for all of you guys!

i'm real excited for you guys! and do make a BANG fo' God! small or large may you ALL shine his light over at U! Remember, it's U-GONE-DUH... not about you, but to His Name.

Grace said...

"U-GONE-DUH".... HAHAHAHAH hahahah

Anonymous said...

yeah you go girls ... girls + 1 guy.

Donna E said...

Hello to the whole team! My children (20 and 17) and I are preparing for a missions trip to serve in Uganda with our church, to work along side Pastor Butch and Janeffer Dodzweit. We'll be in Apac and Nakalanda Island after starting off in Kampala. Sounds like you did a similar trip. Can you tell us what to expect?

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