Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's been a crazy journey and I'm still in the middle of processing everything. Praise God that Anita has gotten back to the US safely. Especially since she didn't have to go through some ridiculous transit like moi. As Anita has said in the previous email, I just moved to Baltimore and started my graduate studies in public health. It is truly amazing to be able to witness the state of Ugandan health care firsthand. And now I'm very excited to be back here and learn about different ways to identify and tackle various public health concerns, both domestically and globally.

One thing that I remembered the most is the lack of simple health care and basic hygiene. When we visited Nakalanda Island, Pastor Butch told us a young boy had just died of typhoid at the age of 6. It broke my heart to hear that children are dying of diseases that can easily prevented through either vaccination or simple hygiene. God definitely reminded me one of the many reasons that He called me to go to public health school. How can an economy survive or prevail if people can't even have access to healthy living conditions? Or how can a country be raising future leaders when children are dying so young? It humbled me to treasure the simple blessings that God has given us, like clean water back in the US!!! Nakalanda Island is simply just one example of where help is needed in Uganda. As Christian, I believe that God not only called us to lay down our lives to spread His Gospel so that people would believe in Him. But He has also called us to dedicate ourselves in helping those who are the poorest, forgotten and fatherless. God has opened up my eyes even more on this trip to remind me why I should go into public health.

As a MPH student, I would need to do a capstone project in order to graduate. it's one of those monumental projects that I'll be living with for most of my time here in Hopkins. I am really hoping that I can do something in regard to vaccination or health education in Uganda. Please pray that God would give me wisdom to know where and what He would want me to do.

I have posted some pictures on my flickr. Since I didn't have much time on my hands, I just posted the pictures straight from my camera. Hope you enjoy! I will add captions very shortly :)

Again, thanks for all of your support. We coudln't have done this without your help!! God Bless!


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